All the Catholic schools in the Diocese of Lancaster have been invited by our bishop, Rev Paul Swarbrick to consider converting to an academy and join a Catholic Multi Academy Trust (MAT). Please see his introductory letter below.
There will be three MATs in the diocese (which stretches from Preston to the Scottish Borders). Our MAT will be the Mater Ecclesiae (Mother of the Church) and will eventually be made up of the 23 Catholic primary and secondary schools in the greater Preston area. Bishop Paul has asked everyone to convert and join one of the the MATs by 2026.
The Governors of The Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School went through a consultation period and decided to be part of the first wave of schools to join the Academy.
We are now one of 7 primary schools who form The Mater Ecclesiae Catholic Multi Academy Trust.
For further information about the Multi Academy Trust, please visit the website (click here)
A full list of Multi Academy Trust policies are available here