We hope you enjoy this one - Mrs Birch and Miss Straker came up with the idea and we thought it was fab!


Some of our support staff have prepared activities for you to do while you at home - have a go at  them alone or with members of your family.

This one took quite a while to do - we hope it makes you laugh as much as it made us laugh making it!

We thought you might enjoy a bit of a competition. We have put together a video of our staff when they were younger - watch it carefully and enter the competition below - there will be prizes! Closing date - 8th May!

Fill in as many names as you can on our quiz - click here to enter

We have been busy reading our favourite stories to share with you - watch the videos here.

We have also recorded our favourite poems - watch the videos here

We have recorded a very different kind of assembly for you, to watch it, click here.

For the assembly next week, we would like you to send us a photograph of your Flower pictures - just email them to Miss Hannah.

Buddy, our school dog, has recorded a message for the children:

We all miss being in school very much - seeing the children and talking to them each day. We have recorded some special messages for them:

... and done some dancing...

Miss Lee has been keeping us updated on her delivery of caterpillars, watch the videos below:

Mrs Birch has been playing Easter games with her family: