Our school is open from 8.45am until 3.15pm. This means that we are open for 32.5 hours each week.
Arrival at school
Doors are open from 8.40am and there are learning activities for the children to complete under the supervision of their class teacher until lessons start at 8.45am.
Children enter school through their designated door. There are entrances onto Blessed corridor, Sacrament corridor, Key Stage One and directly into the Early Years classrooms.
The doors / gates are supervised by members of staff in the morning but it is not possible for parents to speak to class teachers directly at this time. Doors close at 8.45am and children arriving after this time must be accompanied to the school office and signed in by an adult.
End of the day – Collection
Children in the Early Years can be picked up directly from their classroom and will be kept inside until a parent / carer has arrived.
At 3:15pm, Key Stage One / Key Stage Two classes are taken onto their playground and dismissed into the care of an adult by the class teacher. If you know that you are going to be late for collection, please inform us as soon as possible. If you are more than 15 minutes late to collect your child, they will be placed in After School Club and you will be charged for the session. Parents who are regularly late to collect their child will be required to attend a meeting with a senior member of staff.