20 May 2020

Above.....we start this week with a massive Happy Birthday to Laura who has turned 7...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Below, Layla's work on plants...
Steven's work on the Owl and the Pussy cat and plants.....
Harry, as well as lots of other work, has researched about Ugandan animals in Blackpool zoo and made a menu for a lion....
Some of Oliver's pictures from last week, reading Noah's Ark and baking these very cool unicorns...
Thomas has written about Manchester United and a made a lion factfile...
Veronika has written her own verse to a poem and made a model out of play dough....do you know what it is?
Michal has worked on word matching and addition...
Lola C has been working on fractions...
This is just a small selection of the work that we have received, well done 2S...keep up the hard work!