17 June 2020

We start this week with a big Happy Birthday to Thomas, above, who was 7 in the holidays.....can you guess what team he supports?
Below we have Lola C doing Yoga and a picture of the timetable she has been trying to stick to.....perhaps you might find something like this useful to plan your day?
Veronika has made an excellent model of the Eiffel Tower and has learnt lots about the Leaning Tower of Pisa-great writing!
Laura looks like she has had lots of fun this week sorting shapes and she has written fabulous facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa...more great writing...
Oliver has used Google Earth to help with his Geography this week...what a great idea...
Steven has been busy with lots of things but your writing and drawing of the Leaning Tower of Pisa are great...
Well done 2S-keep up the good work and we hope to see you soon xx