22 June 2020

Well done for working so hard this week! Below is some of the work that I have been sent this week,
Joshua has been working hard completing his activities this week!
Well done Joshua! Keep working hard.
Reagan has been working hard to complete the activities from the home learning sheet this week!
Well done Reagan, keep working hard!
Kaiden has been working hard on his maths work this week!
Well done Kaiden, you have been working so hard! Keep it up.
Dylan has done a wonderful painting experiment this week!
What wonderful results! Well done Dylan keep up the hard work!
Well done to everyone in 1B who has been reading on activlearn , completing work from the home learning and working hard on purple mash. Great work everyone, I am so proud of you all and can't wait to see some of you over the coming weeks!
Miss Callagher!