Science Week in Reception
This week was Science Week. In Reception, we completed some fun experiments inked to our Water topic. We used shaving foam, water and food colouring to make our own rain clouds and made boats and tested them to see if they could float. We also used the microscopes to look closely at different…
It is Science Week!
This term we are thinking about our wonderful bodies.
I asked the children ‘How does your hand move?’ We had some great ideas but to find out exactly how our hands work we made a robotic hand. The children were amazed by the results.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Our Bug Hotels
This week is Science week!
We have looked at how to improve our school garden to support the wildlife and insects. We selected natural materials from around the garden to create bug hotels and we are hoping to come and visit every few weeks to see if any insects or animals have booked a…
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Craft Club
This week in craft club we chose to make Forky from Toy Story.
London Messy Mapping
In Geography we have been finding out about the countries and capital cities of the UK. We have messy mapping the landmarks of London. We added the River Thames, Tower Bridge and the London Eye.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Amazing art work
Year 1 loved visiting our in school art exhibition and thought all the art work was amazing.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Using clay
Today in Art we experimented with clay in preparations for making our own African pots. We tried to include different types of lines using clay tools.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Signs of Spring
This afternoon in outdoor adventures we went looking for signs of spring!
We could hear the birds singing, found daffodils and found lots of buds on the trees. We can’t wait to see lots more signs of springs over the next few weeks.
Pastoral Learning in Year 4
Year 4 have been learning about the work that the charity CAFOD does around the world and learning about the faith of Islam.
We had a workshop in class to help us understand about the work of CAFOD. We also got together as a year group to learn about Islam and try some traditional food. Take a…
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
6S were thrilled to attend PNE vs Bournemouth on Saturday and witness a 2-1 victory to PNE…loved seeing you all so happy 6S … me and Miss Straker are just mega proud of you ❤️
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Germination Hunt
This week in Science we have started to our new topic on growing plants. We discussed what plants need to survive and planted our own sunflower seeds. We then went on a germination hunt around our school grounds.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Ash Wednesday
This week we celebrated Ash Wednesday with a special assembly. We discussed about praying, fasting and giving during lent and were offered ashes on our forehead. What will you give up during lent this year? Have you made a Lenten promise?
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG