4B Pizza Making

Image of 4B Pizza Making

As part of our work on Italy, we made pizzas in D&T. We planned our pizza, choosing the ingredients and then made it from scratch, including the dough! They were delicious!


Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4S Making Pizza

Image of 4S Making Pizza

In DT, this term, 4 Sacrament have been learning about Italian food and have been focusing on cooking. We started by tasting a range of pizza styles to evaluate existing products in preparation for planning and designing our own pizzas. We made fresh dough, kneaded the dough and gathered our…

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Meet Sid

We would like to introduce you to Sid.


Sid is an African Land Snail and has recently moved into school. Year 1 have are fascinated with him and are having great fun watching him and even bathing him! Sid has arrived at the perfect time as we learn all about animals in science this half…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG



The whole school have had yoga sessions over the last two weeks. Year 1 Sacrament thoroughly enjoyed their turn today. Their behaviour was wonderful and there was a lovely calm feeling in the room. Maybe they can show you some of the things they did at home?

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


4S Yoga

Image of 4S Yoga

4 Sacrament enjoyed having a session of Yoga. We found some strategies to support us with our well-being. We learnt how to be mindful and how to be more present in the moment. 


Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


A walk in the local area

Image of A walk in the local area

Year 2 have been on a walk in the local area this week to support our learning in RE and Geography.  When looking for God’s creations we found trees, birds, cats and even a horse. It was nice to see signs of Spring with buds appearing on trees and bulbs beginning to grow.  It wasn’t as nice to see…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG



For the first English unit of 2024, Year 4 have been learning the poem 'Macavity'.

See the performance here - they have done a great job!

4B Macavity Performance

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Puss in Boots

Image of Puss in Boots

4 Blessed enjoyed using their acting skills to think about how the characters in the story were feeling.

Our current text is 'Puss in Boots' - the children have enjoyed predicting what might happen!



Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Snow Day!

What perfect weather for our English lesson today! Instead of just writing about fun things to do in snow we got to go outside and try them out! Catching snowflakes, making snowmen, making snow angels, looking for tracks in the snow and throwing snowballs! Great fun was had by all, including Miss…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


New Age Kurling

kurling comp

Well done to our wonderful year 6 children who competed in the kurling competition and received a 1st place trophy and medals.  



Y3 RNLI Visit

Image of Y3 RNLI Visit

Today we were lucky to be visited by Mary and Charles from the RNLI. The came to teach us how to ‘Respect the Water’.

We learnt a lot about how we can keep ourselves safe when we are near lots of different types of water including lakes, rivers, canals and at the…

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


Which clothes should we wear in this weather?

Year 1 had great fun trying on a variety of clothes in school last week. In geography we are learning about the weather. We had a huge pile of clothes and our task was to sort them out into piles of clothes for snow, rain, wind and sun. As you can see, everyone enjoyed it. 


Category: YEAR 1 BLOG