Egyptians with Y6
Later in the year we will be learning about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. This week we visited Y6, who told us all about the Ancient Egyptian artefacts that they had been learning about. Y6 were very knowledgeable and made great teachers. We particularly enjoyed writing messages using…
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Science - Electricity
6B conducted an investigation in to if we changed the numbe of cells in a circuit, would it affect the brightness of a bulb. After completing independent investigations, we decided to see how big a circuit we could make…very exciting!
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Year 6 Ancient Egyptian workshop
We had a great day at Bolton Museum bringing our learning to life. We learnt about the chronology and the mummification process amongst many other things. Behaviour was impeccable and we were complimented on how well we did
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Year 4 Parliament Workshop
On 23rd November, Year 4 had an assembly all about the Parliament and laws. After that, we took part in a Parliament workshop. We discussed and debated the for and against in creating a new law. The new law we debated was requiring all children to walk to school at least once or more a week. The…
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Year 1 War Memorial Visit
Year 1 showed their respect and manners on their walks to the war memorial today. Everyone was very polite and a represented our school so well. We enjoyed seeing the memorial to those who died in wars and reflected on the sacrifice they made.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Year 2 Trip to D’urton Rise
Year 2 had a fantastic morning at D’Urton Rise housing development. After putting on our high-viz vests and hard hats we had the chance to look around a part-constructed house. Nick, the site manager, explained which materials they use to build different parts of the house and we discussed the…
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Y3 Trip to Moor Park
In Geography, we have been learning about our local area and investigating it using maps. We have learnt the difference between human and physical features and decided we needed to try and see some of these with our own eyes.
The children were fantastic and could spot human and physical…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
3S Science Investigation
In Year 3, we have been learning all about our bodies and what we are made of. We have learnt about our skeletons and can name some of the main bones and what their jobs are.
We decided that we wanted to conduct an investigation and came up with the question - Do longer legs make you run…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
Year 4 Cake Sale
In the Autumn 1 term, Year 4 have enjoyed reading ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’. The book focus was on a Syrian refugee called Ahmet. In Pastoral, we have been learning about discrimination and planned a Faith in Action project. On Thursday 12th October, we organised a cake sale. We raised…
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
6B Science and PE
As we couldn’t get outside for PE due to the rain, we combined our PE lesson with Science and learnt how to take and measure our heart rate, then observed how our heart rate changed after various periods of exercise. We concluded that doing exercise for a prolonged period of time increased our…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
First Aid
In Year 3, we have been thinking about how we can keep ourselves and each other safe so we invited Nurse Isla to come in and teach us some basic first aid.
The children learnt how to put a plaster on correctly, how to bandage an injury and what to do if they find themselves in need of…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
Bollywood Dance
As part of our curriculum in Year 3, we are learning about the different cultures which make up the population of Preston.
We were very lucky to get to spend some time with Nital who offered to teach us some traditional Bollywood dances. The children loved participating and performed some…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG