Local area walk

Image of Local area walk

4B have been so busy this week. To help us with our map drawing we went for a walk around the area local to school to spot street names and features. We then drew our own route maps when we got back to school. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Church Visit

Image of Church Visit

As part of our RE this half term, Year 4 visited Church to have a look at what is used in a Baptism in church. They very much enjoyed their visit and were pleased to get back into church again after so long.

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG



Image of Trips

Year 4 finally made it to Brockholes for the long awaited trip! 

We enjoyed a walk to the forest, mini beast hunting and bird watching as well as eating our lunch with a fantastic view.

Take a look at the pictures to see what we got up to!

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Investigating materials

Image of Investigating materials

This week in Science we have been exploring materials and their properties. We had to search for items around our classroom that would fit into each category. We explored transparent, translucent, opaque, rigid, flexible and waterproof. Can you test us to find out what each of them means? 

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Looking after God’s creation

Image of Looking after God’s creation

In RE this half term we have been looking our how God created our wonderful world. This week we focused on our role in looking after his creation so we produced a piece of artwork and thought about four ways we could help by recycling, reusing and repurposing materials. We also thought about our…

Category: YEAR 2 BLOG


Pizza Tasting

Image of Pizza Tasting

As part of our Italy topic we are going to be making our own pizzas. This week we evaluated some existing products. We wrote about the appearance, smell, taste and texture of different pizzas.

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Mayan Trading in 5S

Image of Mayan Trading in 5S

In 5 Sacrament, as part of our history topic we have been learning about the Ancient Mayans.  This week we focused on how trading was an integral part to the survival of the Mayans.


We investigated what items they would have traded and then created our own market place and attempted to…

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


PE - Rolling Rolling Rolling

This half term we are learning ball skills in PE. We started with rolling the ball. We had fun rolling to a partner, around our partner and carefully along a line.





Winter walk

Image of Winter walk

In Y1 we learn about the seasons and go for a wak around the school grounds each month to see what has changed. Friday was a great day for learning about Winter. We noticed that all the leaves had fallen from many of the trees and it was a lot colder than the last time we went for a walk.  We even…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Y1 Church visit

Image of Y1 Church visit

Year 1 enjoyed a visit to Church to look at the Nativity scene.  They were very knowledgeable about the story of Jesus’ birth and their behaviour in Church was impeccable. Well done Year 1.

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


RS visit to church

This week the children learnt about the celebration of the Epiphany. We visited church to look at the Nativity display. 



Year 4 are exploring Italy

Image of Year 4 are exploring Italy

Year 4 are exploring Italy in geography. This week we identified different areas of Italy on a range of maps and looked at videos and photographs of what these areas are like. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG