Nursery home learning week 13
History - Harriet Tubman
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Being Awesome - Part 3: Dare to take risks
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
2S Home Learning 15-06-20
We start this week with a big Happy Birthday to Thomas, above, who was 7 in the holidays.....can you guess what team he supports?
Below we have Lola C doing Yoga and a picture of the timetable she has been trying to stick to.....perhaps you might find something like this useful to plan…
Nursery home learning week 12
2B Home Learning
Once again, 2B have been amazing Miss Bonsor with their fantastic home learning. Keep up the good work!
Michael's great shape work!
Lucia's maths work
Lucia's writing
Ellie's 3D shape work
Being Awesome - PART 2 - Unlocking your mind.
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
A lovely picture of Mrs Hilton
1B Home Learning
Hello 1B and welcome back, we hope you had a lovely half term!!
Alex has been busy completing all his home learning tasks! Well done Alex.
Rian has been busy doing lots of home learning! Well done Rian.
Kaiden has been working hard, well done!!
Joshua has…
1S Home Learning
1S Home Learning
This week 1S has been learning all about Italy. Well done 1S!
A huge well done to Amelia who signed up for a half marathon and walked 13.1 miles over 5 days during the half term holiday.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG