Survival - the cactus.
This week in 6S we looked at how cacti have adapted to survive in very harsh conditions. We studied the plants and made detailed scientific drawings.
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Special Guest Reader
6S had a special guest to read a chapter of their class novel today. Miss Hannah joined us by zoom to read the next exciting instalment of Running Wild by Michael Morpurgo. Thank you Miss Hannah it was good to see and hear you!
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Council Elections
Congratulations to the newly elected school councillors for 6B!
The class were invited to prepare a speech, which they then read to the class.
Everyone in the class had 2 votes to elect the members to represent them.
Good luck with your new roles!
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Year 2 Science
In Science this half term we are learning about animal growth and survival, as part of our unit we had some chick and a hen brought into school to observe difference between adults and their babies.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Sharing our Writing with Miss Hannah
Today Miss Hannah joined us through Teams to hear some of the fantastic writing we have been doing this week.
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Huge well done to Year 2 for an excellent start to the school term - you have been amazing at settling in to new routines and striving to do your best with your work. Congratulations to 2Blessed for winning the attendance award this week. Keep up the great work!
6S - Science Adaptation and Evolution
This week 6S enjoyed conducting an experiment to test different types of "bird beaks" with different types of food. Instead of bird beaks we used bulldog clips, lolly sticks, tweezers and forks. We…
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
SCIENCE - Adaptation - Birds' Beak Investigation
In Science this week, we looked at how birds' beaks have adapted over time to help them survive. We used different shaped objects to represent beaks and we tried to pick up different types of food that birds would eat.
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
First week back at Nursery
This week has been our first week back at Nursery and what a fun week it has been! It has been so lovely welcoming all our children back and we are so proud of how well they have come back after such a long time. We have had lots of fun creating our outdoor area together, making a mud kitchen and…
2S Home Learning 130720
We start our final week's blog with some fabulous writing from Isabelle (above) about animals native to Australia. Below is an amazing picture story from Veronika.....see if you can follow the story!
This week Oliver has made some targets to practise his over and under arm…
Year 1 S
Another fantastic week of work by 1S.