Sewing Seeds

Image of Sewing Seeds

Year 1S have been busy planting seeds. We have planted snap dragons, kale and cucumber in our newly weeded bed. 


Year 1B have sewn the same seeds in the poly tunnel. We shall see which seeds have the best environment to grow!


Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Y1S Beside the Seaside.

Image of Y1S Beside the Seaside.

What a nice day to be beside the seaside!


Year 1 Sacrament have had a lovely time on their trip today. Their behaviour was brilliant and we have all learnt lots.


We learnt about steam trains, had an afternoon tea during Victorian times, made a seaside themed mosaic, dressed up for…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


4S Ancient Greek Workshop

Image of 4S Ancient Greek Workshop


4 Sacrament enjoyed taking part in the Ancient Greek workshop. We learnt about what Ancient Greeks enjoyed, how they ran their cities,  how they chose their rulers, and we got to see some artefacts. We looked at and discussed the Pythagoras cup theory. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4 Blessed Greek Workshop

Image of 4 Blessed Greek Workshop

4 Blessed loved the Ancient Greek workshop in school today. We learnt about what Ancient Greeks enjoyed, how they ran their cities, how they chose the rulers for their cities and had a look at some artefacts. Take a look at the pictures and videos of what we have done.


Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Sewing in Y1S

Image of Sewing in Y1S

As part of our DT lessons we are making a puppet. Last week we designed a puppet. We had to think about the colours we would use, the features our puppet would have and, most importantly, the materials we would use.


This week we sewed our puppets. The children were ”sew” amazing at…

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Making a Rosary

Image of Making a Rosary

May is the month where we remember Mary. This week we made a decade of the rosary as a bracelet. The children were fantastic at threading their own beads! We hope this bracelet will become something to treasure.


Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


4S Greek Mosaics

Image of 4S Greek Mosaics


This term, in History, we have looked at Ancient Greece. In Art, we designed a mosaic based on a Greek solider, an olive tree or the famous Parthenon in Athens, Greece. We enjoyed used the paste, glue spatulas and colourful tiles to create a Greek tiled mosaic. After that, around the border…

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Clay minibeasts

Image of Clay minibeasts

On Friday the nursery children were very lucky to have a visit from Mrs Plumb who is a potter. She read them a story about mini beasts and then showed them how to use clay to model mini beasts of their own. The children really enjoyed this activity and they can’t wait for the clay to dry so that…



3B planting in the garden

Image of 3B planting in the garden

This half term in English and Pastoral we have been learning about Farm to Fork. We wanted to act like farmers and plant our own food to grow and hopefully be able to eat in a couple weeks time! 

First, we had to weed our patch in the garden, there was a lot to do and 3B worked so hard weeding!

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


Reception have enjoyed the sun.

Image of Reception have enjoyed the sun.

In Reception we have been enjoying the sunshine by using our outdoor area. The children have been using their gross motor skills to pop bubbles, ride scooters and twirl the ribbons. The children have been building houses using the crates and setting up picnics.




Image of Gardening

Year 1 Sacrament had an outside science lesson today. We weeded our flower bed and prepared the soil ready for sewing seeds next week. We discussed what a seed needs so it can grow, while we worked. We will keep you updated on our progress. 

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


Lifecycle of a plant

Image of Lifecycle of a plant

Our current science topic is Plants.  In our most recent lesson, we learnt about the different stages in the lifecycle of a flowering plant. 

To recap the stages please have a look at the following website.


Once we were…

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG