4S RSPCA visit

Image of 4S RSPCA visit


Our local RSPCA Preston & District branch centre came to visit us to deliver a presentation about what the charity does for animals in the local area. Tanya and Sue answered any questions that the children had and they were very informative. After that, in groups, we created destruction…

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG



Sports Day!

Image of Sports Day!

We had a fantastic day at our sports day last week! Thank you to everyone who came to watch the children and supported them. Also, a big thank you to Mr Thompson for being a fab host! Well done to all the children for taking part and having a fun afternoon!  


Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


PE in Year 1

Image of PE in Year 1

Year 1 enjoyed their PE lesson on the MUGA this week. One of our exercises was learning to do, and perfect our skills at, a standing long jump. They all tried their very best. 

Category: YEAR 1 BLOG


4S Torches

Image of 4S Torches


This term, in Science and DT, we have been learning about electricity. We planned our design, created our torch and evaluated our design. To make an electrical element we used batteries, wire and bulb to make the circuit. After that, we used card, tape and tissue paper to design the torch.…

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG



Maths In EYFS

Image of Maths In EYFS

We are looking forward to delivering the pilot of Red Rose Maths in EYFS in Reception in 2024.



Sports Day

Image of Sports Day

Luckily the weather held out and we had a fantastic afternoon on Sports Day. The children had lots of fun competing and cheering on their friends. Thank you to the parents and carers for attending.


Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4S Sports Day

Image of 4S Sports Day


On 4th July, 4 Sacrament enjoyed taking part and having fun on Sports Day.

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


5B Tortilla Making

Image of 5B Tortilla Making

This term in DT, 5 Blessed have been exploring tortillas and making decisions about what they would and wouldn’t like inside a tortilla of their making. We have researched tortillas, practised key skills such as cutting and spreading, designed their own tortilla, made them safely and finally…

Category: YEAR 5 BLOG


3B The Water cycle

Image of 3B The Water cycle

Last week in 3B we were learning about the water cycle. To help us, we conducted an experiment to see what happens to water in the water cycle. 
First, the sun heats up the water in the sea and creates water vapour which rises up to the sky. Water vapour is a gas so you can’t see it. We learnt…

Category: YEAR 3 BLOG


4B Torches

In 4 Blessed we have been learning about electricity. We used what we had learnt to make a torch in Design Technology. We used batteries, wire and a bulb to make a circuit, then used card to make a case and switch. We were all very proud of our final products. 

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


4B Rounders

Image of 4B Rounders

The children have enjoyed learning to play rounders over the last few weeks.

Category: YEAR 4 BLOG


Y1 BAE STEM Workshop

Image of Y1 BAE STEM Workshop

Year 1 have thoroughly enjoyed their turn with a Roving Robot Workshop run by BAE. It was all about team work and together groups programmed the speed of a robot to get the fastest time around the course. 


Category: YEAR 1 BLOG