BAE STEM workshop
What a fantastic afternoon we had in Year 2. We welcomed some special visitors from BAE into class where we took part in a Roving Robot activity. Our focus was on teamwork. We had to work together, listen to each other and make decisions to control the speed of the robot.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Our School Garden
Yesterday we explored our school garden. We recorded the types of flowers and trees we found. We took care to draw the shapes of the petals and leaves correctly to help us make a leaflet to identify them.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Number Bonds to 10
Year 1 are busy learning number bonds to ten so we have a really quick recall of these number facts. We have been using a ten frame to make as many different ways as we could. Miss Moore has challenged her class to use the game called Hit the Button on the Top Marks website to improve speed! Why…
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Phonics Superstars!
This week year 1 have completed their phonics screening check. Every single child tried their best and have impressed us so much. We are all very proud of them and thankful for your support at home in reading with your child.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Mission together
The theme of our RE work last half term was 'How can we share what we have?' We were thinking about how we can spread Jesus' message of loving one another and how we might support our neighbours across the world. We found out about the work of Mission Together; the Pope's charity which supports…
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
The Iron Man
Last term, we read the novel ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes as our class novel.
We really enjoyed it and have been waiting since we finished reading it to start our English unit.
In our first lesson, we investigated some of the wonderful vocabulary that the author used to describe The Iron Man…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
Bug hotel
The children worked together to make a bug hotel out of the natural resources they found in the nursery garden. We hope that the mini beasts will love their new home.
Seaside history
This week we were very lucky to be able to handle artefacts from the past. We have a museum loan in Year 1. It was a brilliant opportunity for the children to handle the old objects. The children shared their knowledge of what they were and used their fantastic drawing skills to make detailed…
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Bread tasting
Today we began our new design and technology topic. We will be designing our ideal sandwich and making it. We will be learning the skills of peeling, spreading, chopping and grating.
We tasted four types of bread today to decide which was our favourite. We tried brioche, white, brown and…
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Today, Year 1 Sacrament have been out in the garden to identify trees. We learnt about the different types of trees, evergreen and deciduous. Ask your children what the difference is… We also checked on our seeds. We can see some signs of growth!
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
3B following instructions
One of our English topics this term is instructions.
Miss Stewart knows how good we are at following verbal instructions so she wanted to put us to the test and see if we could read and follow a set of instructions to make chocolate crispy cakes all by ourselves!
We did an amazing job and…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
Clay pots
Year 2 have enjoyed making clay tiles and pots in class. They have developed several skills including rolling to an even thickness, mark-making onto clay and joining clay pieces together. Pupils made a pinch/thumb pot and a coil pot using the skills they had practised.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG