2B visit to Blackpool Sealife Centre
2B had a fantastic day at Blackpool Sealife centre learning all about ocean habitats. They made careful observations like real scientists and found out lots of facts! Well done 2B, we are proud of how well you represented our school.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Sealife Centre Blackpool
2Sacrament had a fantastic time at Sealife Centre this week. They found out lots of facts about ocean habitats and identified features on the different types of sea creature. Their behaviour and interest was excellent and we were very proud of how well they represented our school.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
World Book Day
The Nursery children had a fabulous day dressing up and taking part in lots of book related activities.
World Book Day
We had a fantastic day, reading books and completing book related crafts like these super corner bookmarks.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
A visit to Ribbleton Library
To celebrate World Book Day, year 5 walked to the local library to listen to a story and spend time looking at some of the books.
Category: YEAR 5 BLOG
World Book Day
Children enjoyed dressing up as book characters and engaging in lots of book related activities during World Book Day.
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
World Book Day
The Tiger came to tea on World Book Day in Year 1 and shared their favourite story ! Children enjoyed a range of book related activities throughout the day.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
5 Blessed Pastoral
Category: YEAR 5 BLOG
4B World Book Day
We had such a great day celebrating World Book Day and enjoyed reading activities throughout the day.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Reception visit to the library
To celebrate World Book Day, Reception class children were invited to a story session at Ribbleton library. We enjoyed a story read by the librarian and then explored the library sharing stories with their friends.
We had a great time and the children can’t wait to visit…
Year 3 Visit to Roman Museum
As our stunning start in History, £ Blessed visited the Roman museum in Ribchester. They examined Roman artefacts and explored the on site Roman ruins.
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG
Year 1 Blessed and their prayerful singing
Year 1 Sacrament enjoyed learning and singing The Lords Prayer today. They were respectful and enjoyed singing together.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG