4B Asked an expert!
Year 4B have been learning about teeth. As well as investigations in class, they were also able to ask a real dentist some of their questions and have a video tour of his dentist room.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Football Fun
Well done to the boys who represented our school so well in football last week. Their teamwork and skill got them to the semi-finals and we are all very proud of them. They are pictured here next to one of our new mini-buses.
2B visit to Church
Yesterday we visited church for the first time, we met with members of our church community and observed the church furnishings that we had been discussing in class. We then all genuflected as we left the pew. The children really enjoyed meeting Deacon Michael for the first time and are looking…
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Number Hunt
In Reception Blessed we have been learning all about the number 2. We went on a number 2 hunt around our classroom using our binoculars (which have 2 holes to see out of!). The children could find lots of representations of the number 2 such as the numeral, numicon, on a tens frame and spots on a…
Year 4B Digestive System
We have been learning about the digestive system. We investigated what happens to our food at each stage. It was very messy but we really enjoyed it.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
The Wheels on the Bus!
Our favourite song in nursery at the moment is the Wheels on Bus. We really enjoyed pretending to board the bus with our bus tickets and take a trip into town. We sang the song and did all the actions. The bus driver drove very carefully through the town and we all made sure to keep our baby dolls…
An ‘egg’speriment in 4S
In 4S we have been learning about how to care for our teeth and gums. We conducted an experiment to see which drinks are most harmful.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Learning about the Digestive System in 4S
We have had lots of fun learning about how the human digestive system works.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Love thy neighbour
This week we have been reading the bible story 'The Good Samaritan' and thinking about who our neighbours are. The we thought about the story and understood that God wants us to love everyone. We have made cards for our Parish neighbours and will be taking them to church to give to the…
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Listening Walk
Today we went for a listening walk around the school garden. We go on listening walks when we want to focus on the different sounds we hear in the environment. We heard a car, a bird and we walked through the soggy, wet leaves to hear the sound they made. The children listened beautifully and…
Fun in the rain!
It rained all day today but we didn’t let that stop us! The children had a great idea, we made leaf soup! Using the leaves in the tuft tray and all the rain water they made delicious leaf soup. We enjoyed the soup then decided to paint the garden with the remainder of the soup. :) Anything is…
Science - senses
We have been investigating our senses in science this week. We enjoyed using our sense of smell and taste. Most of us didn’t like the smell of the sardines and we thought the lemons tasted sour! Next week we are going to focus on our sense of sight and hearing.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG