Our map skills in 2B
In Geography today we looked at lots of different maps to find where we live. We used globes, atlases, a world map and a map of Europe. We worked as a team to find the UK and even searched for different countries where children in our class have visited.
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Our First Week in Reception Sacrament
A huge well done to Reception Sacrament on their first week at school. They are settling in very well and making lots of new friends. We have been exploring our classroom and learning new routines. Keep up the super work boys and girls! Mrs Quinn, Miss Pomfret and I look forward to seeing you…
4B Personal Identity
This week in one of our pastoral lessons, 4B have learnt about race, ethnicity and religion. We created personal identity trees. The roots of the tree are things that don't change about us and the leaves were things that could.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
First Full Week in 5 Sacrament
It has been a very busy week in 5 Sacrament this week! We have got our all routines in place and have been working very hard.
- In RE, we learnt about how God called Moses in the story of Moses and the Burning Bush from the Old Testament.
- In PE, we have continued to work on our throwing…
Category: YEAR 5 BLOG
Reception Blessed's First Week of School!
This week has been a very important week for the children in Reception Blessed as they became part of The Blessed Sacrament School family. We have been busy exploring our new classroom and making lots of new friends. We were very lucky to have lots of sunshine this week and we have made the most…
In English we have started looking at the book called ‘The Tunnel by Anthony Browne’. Today we read up to the part where the brother and sister are at the tunnel so we decided to create our own tunnel and debate whether or not to crawl through ourselves. We have some very brave boys and girls…
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
European Adventure
4 Blessed made a start on the theme of learning for this year ‘European Adventure.’
They completed research to find out the names of countries in Europe and Miss Bonsor set them an extra challenge of asking at home which European countries parents had visited.
Over the year, we will be…
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Welcome back 2B!
WOW - what a fabulous three days it has been!
It has been an absolute joy to welcome you back into school this week and I have loved seeing your smiling faces every morning. I have enjoyed getting to know each and every one of you and learning about your special families.
We can look…
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
A Great Start for 4 Blessed!
4B had a super first week back at school. We were very busy and worked very hard. We particularly enjoyed playing some team games together, thinking about our strive focus valued collaboration. A great start to our year!
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Welcome to 1B
We have had a lovely few days getting to know each other in 1B. The children have settled into their new classroom very well. We have been learning about our corridor Saint; St. Patrick and making shamrock collage pictures to make a super display in school.
Mrs Jacques
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
First Day Fun in 5 Sacrament
During our first day back after the summer holidays, 5 Sacrament participated in a PE lesson where we worked on our ability to work in a team. We had lots of fun trying to solve a series of challenges that Mr Thompson set us.
Category: YEAR 5 BLOG
Websites to help you to support your child at home
There are many amazing free websites that you can access from home that will help you to support your child.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG