4B Digestive System
We have been learning about the digestive system in year 4. This week we investigated what happens to our food at each stage.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Our senses
We are learning about our body in Science.
This week we have been testing our senses. We matched sounds, smelled and tasted food, sorted textures and tried to complete everyday tasks whilst blind folded.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Online Safety in 5S
In our computing lessons this half term our focus is on online safety. This week we have been discussing the idea of digital manipulation. We investigated the reasons why this can be positive for some people but also how it can have a negative effect too. The children learned that any picture…
Category: YEAR 5 BLOG
Shark in the Park!
This week we have been looking at the story of The Shark in the Park! We were so surprised to find sharks in our nursery garden, so we made some telescopes with different media and materials and headed out into the garden! The children looked up, looked down, looked left and right and looked all…
Five Minutes Peace
This week in Reception Blessed we have been learning all about The Large Family in Five Minutes Peace. The children have enjoyed telling the story using some puppets of the family. We have also been using our creative skills to shape and mould play dough into elephants. Some of the children looked…
Our Science experiment
In Science this week we have been discussing the importance of exercise. We completed an experiment where we exercised for a minute and monitored our heart rate and tried to find our pulse. We found out that our heart rate goes up when we exercise to increase the blood flow around our body and we…
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
We were thinking about our feelings in 1Sacrament this week. We talked about what makes us happy. We thought our families and friends help us feel happy. We did some activities which made us feel happy including making (and eating) an apple crumble using apples from the school garden and doing…
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
We have been practising lots of skills in PE this week including bouncing a ball, pencil rolls, balancing and jumping.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
PE in 4B
4B have been learning basketball skills in PE. We are really good at chest pass, bounce pass and dribbling the ball to a partner.
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Poetry in 4S
Well done to Veronika, who wrote a wonderful poem at home and brought it in to share with the class. Not only did she write a wonderful poem, she read it out confidently and with lovely expression to the whole class and then to Miss Hannah and Mr Aris, earning her a spot in the Golden…
Category: YEAR 4 BLOG
Our School family
Last week we had a tour of school looking for all the people who make up 'Our school family'.
We met our Head Teacher, Miss Hannah and our Deputy Mr Aris. We also met Miss Liddle, a class of year 6 children learning Spanish, a cook, a cleaner, the site supervisor and our wonderful office staff,…
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Autumn Walk
Super observing during our Autumn walks in Year 1 this week. The children found leaves which had changed colour and fallen from the trees. They noticed that the flowers didn't have colourful petals anymore and they spotted the apples and blackberries growing in the school garden. Some children…
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG