Hard at work in Year 6
We have been working hard to ensure we strive to lead by example in Year 6, focusing on our learning attitudes, behaviours and general skills. Here we are - hard at work on a Friday morning in 6 Sacrament!
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Photo Booth fun
As part of our work on digital manipulation, pupils in year 5 had a fantastic time setting up a photo booth and using various props in their photographs. Lots of laughs and learning!
Category: YEAR 5 BLOG
Our Class Tree
Year 1 Sacrament went to find our class tree! We will be watching how our tree (a common lime) changes over the year! The children had great ideas of what may happen!
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Lovely listening during PE today. We have been improving our skills of hopping, jumping and skipping and learning how to do an under arm throw.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Y1S Investigating materials
We investigated a variety of materials as a start to our new science topic. We had an interesting discussion about what things are made of!
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Our first week in school
What a great start to school!
We have had a super week meeting new friends and trying new activities.
A flying start for Year 6
Year 6 have made a flying start to the year, from starting this term's reading books, working on high standards of presentation and practising essential maths skills (look at our times tables knowledge already!)
Category: YEAR 6 BLOG
Our School Family Year 1 Sacrament
We have been learning about types of families and today we went for a walk around school to meet members of our school family. We have settled into Year 1 and we are starting to learn our new routines.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
1 Blessed
1 Blessed have settled into Year 1 wonderfully and have been hard at work all week. Today we went for a walk around school to look at the local area around The Blessed Sacrament school. This is for our current Geography topic of ‘Our local area’.
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
Our first week in Year 2
We have had a busy week back in year 2 and have started lots of new learning. Our teachers are really proud of how well we have settled in to our new classes and are really looking forward to the rest of the year. In science this week, Mrs Southward brought in some sunflowers and avocados. We…
Category: YEAR 2 BLOG
Ready for year 2!
And just like that year 1 are ready to leave! They are ready for year 2. We have had a fantastic year making memories!
Category: YEAR 1 BLOG
The end of 3B
Wow…what a year it has been 3B!
We have had lots of amazing memories together and you truly have been the best class anyone could wish for. I am an extremely lucky teacher to have been able to teach you all. You have made my first year of teaching amazing and one I will never forget. Everyday,…
Category: YEAR 3 BLOG